Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Test Time!

I've been busy, and will continue to be busy with tests for another week. I don't really like tests, but they seem to be a necessary evil.

The Professor

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

A cable, a cable, my kingdom for a cable!

Wouldn't you know it! Here I am ready to sync files...and I don't have a USB cable with the correct connector!

What is it with the multitude of connectors for USB? Isn't it supposed to be *Universal*, can't be universal if you've got a half dozen different...mutually incompatible plugs to deal with.

Grumble, Grumble!

And here comes USB 3.0 with, you guessed it, YACC...and I don't mean yet another C compiler...for us to deal with!

The Digital Age

I got my first copy of digital PC Mag yesterday. I was hoping for a pdf. I got some sort of proprietary format requiring a proprietary reader...yuck! At least, the reader worked okay. I liked the way it scrolled up and down the columns rather than making you page up and down all the time, however, I can't curl up with a monitor on my lap.

John Dvorak was writing about "The End of History" the other day. He thinks that print newspapers, magazines and eventually books are doomed, and when they go so will long term archival.

He might be right. I sure hope he isn't.

Monday, February 2, 2009


...is just another name for ain't got nothing to lose.

The college at which I work is talking about "retrenchment"...fancy talk for "so long, been nice to know you!" We are facing a shortfall of a million six this year and maybe twice that next year, so economies must be made, but don't you think layoffs should be the last resort...not the first?

So, who is getting fired...teachers, that's who! And how is the college going to cover classes after letting teachers go? With part-timers (who get no health insurance and have very low pay) and Administrators! Errrr, yeah that's the right way to do this!

Well, why should education be any different from the rest of the country?

Tough times, tough times!

Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda...

...got into this whole blogging thing long ago! Especially, seeing as I have an opinion, often two or three opinions, about everything and it's cousin. Ah! Well, just a case of rampant procrastination I guess.

In any case, here I am at last.