Saturday, April 6, 2019

Tax Cut My ASS! Rant! Rant! Rant!

Pardon my French, but a pox on all Republicans and their contemptible billionaire owners...I mean donors, no I mean owners!

I'm not rich. I'm retired. I live off a pension and social security. I worked long and hard to earn both, so don't anyone try to tell me they are entitlements or government handouts!

I put off doing my 2018 taxes until April because I just knew Trump and his cronies were going to screw me and yes they did! Royally! I went from a thousand dollar's up on my 2017 taxes to two thousand dollar's down on my 2018 taxes. That's a THREE THOUSAND DOLLAR bastards!

"Clearly you should have had more withheld monthly to avoid this bill. So it's your fault." say the parsimonious millionaire Republicans, while they get money back from the Republican Rich Persons Tax Cut law they rammed through Congress.

"Damn their eyes!" say I, "It's all us middle and lower class suckers fault for not throwing every one of those parasites out of office." 

Yes, I'm vindictive, but okay, it's time for retribution!

A 90% top marginal rate on the millionaires!

Close every loophole anybody making more than $1,000,000 can get, every one of them!

Make ALL income taxed for SSI and Medicare, all of it! Institute Medicare for All!

Corporate Welfare, shut it down, and don't let them move money out of the country to avoid taxes, make them pay!

Up the Unions! Down with Corporate Greed!

If we can't defend ourselves with half the money we're shoveling into the DOD, we don't deserve to defend cut defense spending in half!

Hell, go look at Andrew Yang's Platform. He's me for this, but he's got a "Chinaman's Chance" of getting elected, but I can get behind almost all of his platform points.  I'd like to see almost all his policies implemented no matter who ends up getting elected to Congress and the Presidency.

I'm going to donate some money to his campaign!

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